Ladies, join us in our panel discussion. Payments, questions and registration can be completed by clicking the title above. Deadline to register is February 4, 2024.
Ladies, join us in our panel discussion. Payments, questions and registration can be completed by clicking the title above. Deadline to register is February 4, 2024.
"Lets spill the tea" Join us in Ballroom A in your tea party attire. The venue is nice and the food is delicious! You don't want to miss this.
Ladies throw on your fitness gear and come on out! We will have a nutrition seminar and a beginner friendly Zumba class which includes a smoothie option. Please register and select your smoothie option here. https://subspla.sh/mgs9m5s/
Cost is $5/pp ages 5 and up. Deadline to pay is Sunday Nov. 3rd. Bring your blankies and slippers and see you there! Register here: https://subspla.sh/df2qjdb/